The Nargille
Ancient findings confirm that pipes were filled with herbs and smoked for rituals or maybe also for pleasure.The country of Turkey grows about 5% of the world's tobacco, making smoking a very popular past time. With two great kinds of tobaccos, it's not suprising that tobacco became a part of daily life In what was once known as the Ottoman Empire. The Nargille (pronounced argeeleh) is a water pipe. There are two kinds of water pipes, Turkish and Arabian. The Turkish pipe has its tobacco rolled as a plug and the tobacco is on top of the pipe on a small plateau. Since the plug is rolled tight and has some moisture in it, the pipe is kept burning by charcoal. The Arabian pipe has its tobacco in a hollow head and the tobacco is not usually rolled. Nargille's are very popular with Middle Eastern Cultures, and are used for smoking tobacco as a leisurely past time.
PS: It´s really worth-trying !! :)
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