Just for my record
Love, Flertation and Sex [Source: Astro]
Ascendant in Capricorn
You tend to take any personal relationship quite seriously and generally don't get involved unless you are fairly sure it will be permanent. In that case you throw your whole self into it.
When you do choose a partner, you provide a calming, stabilizing influence. Ideally, you should find a volatile lover who requires your soothing.
It would be wise to follow your lover's lead in lovemaking. Learn to open up and try out new ideas to get the spark going again.
If your relationship is not going well, avoid using sex to control your partner. Instead of clinging to a dying affair, make an active effort to change or dispose of it.
What you most desire in a relationship is continual growth and development.
Therefore you should avoid a lover who wants to settle into a warm, comfy, secure relationship. Seek a more adventurous person who is always looking for new ways to make your affair more spicy and keep it in motion.
The true test of a happy relationship is whether each of you can steer the right course between evolution and stability, avoiding the reefs on both sides.
If you can steer that course, you will indeed be an explorer in the realm of emotions and interpersonal communication, and you will learn a lot more than most people about what makes a relationship good or bad.
If you and your lover are creative and mutually responsive within your relationship, your love will be a continuously exciting adventure.
Probably you will find people to become personally involved with at your place of work rather than at a social gathering.
Whether or not you deserve it, you probably have quite a reputation as a good lover, because others tend to believe only the best that they hear about you.
It would be wise to keep weeknights for yourself, reserving weekends and holidays for entertaining a lover; then you can put your full self into it. Otherwise you may find that your business life is always in conflict with your love life, and both areas suffer.
Your emotions are very intense and finely tuned, and you can usually see into the heart of an affair more quickly than your partner. You are likely to have considerable mood swings and changes of heart within a relationship until it has settled for a long period. For that reason, you should find a lover who is more stable than you.
It would be good to have a partner who can handle the bothersome petty details of existence, so that you can then attend to the more meaningful issues in life. Under such circumstances, you can transform love into a clear, pure vehicle for personal understanding and revelation, both for you and for your lover.
You usually express your loving feelings verbally, and you should not hesitate to let your lover know just how you feel.
It is also a good idea to talk out personal problems extensively with your lover, because for you, that is the best way to deal successfully with them.
Indeed, words may be your primary method of transmitting love and understanding at all levels. In any intimate situation, your words of love and encouragement will heighten the sexual experience, so don't hold back.
Your best relationship with a lover is one that is chummy and casual, with much of the intimate informality of a brother-sister relationship.
You have a very deep, gut-level style in love, and when you set your sights on someone, you don't give up until you get what you want.
Indeed, it is extremity of enjoyment rather than moderation that is the key to your pleasure.
Whatever your method, your enjoyment will be greatest if sexuality takes on the aspect of tremendous power, an uncontrollable flood in which both of you are caught up. This is ideal for the actual sexual experience, but in everyday life you should take great care to let control return to both of you individually, so that the basic equality between you is not lost.
You prefer a lover who is well coordinated physically, emotionally and socially, someone you can show off proudly to your friends.
In this area your judgment must be very acute so that you can separate true substance from the showy or trendy. Try not to harry your partner unnecessarily about details of dress, image and social acceptance.
This is particularly important, because you want your partner to be a close and dear friend whose love will endure beyond the convenience or necessity of the moment. Therefore, by being patient about small matters, you can cement a lasting relationship that will elevate you both.
You harbor a desire for a long time before allowing it to break out, and then it is very intense. For this reason, your lover may not be truly aware of the nature or extent of your needs. It is wise to express yourself verbally beforehand so there will be no imbalance on your partner's part.
Because of this rather dominating high energy, you often rule a relationship, directly or indirectly, particularly in its physical aspects. You need a partner who is open to sexual adventure and self-abandonment, someone who can experience your kind of sexuality.
True communication takes a while for you to develop, but once established, the ties are very deep and not easily broken.
Mars in the Eleventh House
You expend extra energy in any close personal relationship even if it is not sexual, for you place a high value on loyalty and friendship, both in yourself and in others.
For this reason you prefer a long-lasting affair that has time to develop, rather than newer and less firm attachments.
On a more mundane level, because of your desire for excellence in a relationship, you gravitate toward partners who have a good reputation in such matters. As long as you remember that internal qualities are paramount, this path will be continually rewarding, but if you concentrate on external qualities, you may be just a social climber or trend follower.
In lovemaking itself, you strive for excellence and make every effort to create a graceful aesthetic experience that has substance as well as form.
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