"De perto, ninguém é normal. / From up close nobody is normal." (Caetano Veloso)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Babá de Animais / Catsitter / Dogsitter


Procurando uma babá para o seu bichinho ?

Entre em contato:
(em São Paulo)

Marisa Narciso


Falta ao Brasil entender o básico. Os professores devem ser bem treinados para ensinar – e não para difundir teorias pedagógicas genéricas. As faculdades precisam estar atentas a isso. Um bom professor de matemática ou de línguas é aquele que domina o conteúdo de sua matéria e consegue passá-lo adiante de maneira atraente aos alunos. Simples assim. O que vejo no cenário brasileiro, no entanto, é a difusão de um valor diferente: o de que todo professor deve ser um bom teórico. O pior é que eles se tornam defensores de teorias sem saber sequer se funcionam na vida real. Também simplificam demais linhas de pensamento de natureza complexa. Nas escolas, elas costumam se transformar apenas numa caricatura do que realmente são."

Elucida o americano Martin Carnoy, 71 anos, doutor em economia pela Universidade de Chicago e professor na Universidade Stanford.

[Fonte: Veja]

Finalmente alguém disse e ainda bem, saiu escito e publicado, o óbvio que todos fingem não ver. Eu quero ser professora universitária e quero menos teoria e mais prática. É preciso mais mercado - realidade e pensamento - e menos seminários e monografias prolixamente perdidas.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Portuguese / English Tutor / Teacher

English/Portuguese Teacher

I am a Brazilian experienced English/Portuguese teacher, BA in Business, MBA in Marketing, having both studied and worked abroad.

I do not believe in translation or mechanic repetition techniques.

My methodology follows the human cognition logic, just like it happens with children: learn how to speak, results in writing and grammar as a consequence.

I am very dynamic and creative, having communicative skills background.

I currently live in Sao Paulo, Brazil and I am looking forward to going back to the U.S.
Preferably near the East Coast.

Contact: +55 11 35225940
+55 11 93059050

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

True Blood (HBO)

Love it.
I certainly have already had to buy some blackberry jam by now. XD

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ways to Make Your Relationship Last

Dating Tips: 9 Ways to Make Your Relationship Last

By relationship expert Stacy D. Phillips for Hitched

1. Delineate "yours," "mine," and "ours." If you have finances that should be placed in each of these three categories (for example, you have an inheritance and he has a savings account he accumulated before the marriage, and you also have a checking account to which you both contribute), have an upfront conversation about those assets and what belongs to whom. Moreover, talk about your time away from "together" activities, like he wants to bowl with the guys on Tuesday nights and you want to attend your yoga class on Wednesday. Respect these important delineations. Doing so will make the relationship stronger.
2. Carve out time to be together. Sure, you're busy working and attending meetings, but how important are those things if your relationship falls apart? Make time to do things together that you both enjoy. This could be anything from grocery shopping to taking in a movie. Take regular vacations together -- at least a couple of long weekends and, better yet, a couple of long vacations (more than a weekend jaunt). Commit to a weekly date night and make it as unbreakable as that all-important staff meeting at work.
3. Take care of yourself. Spend time every day on your appearance and your physical well-being. Work out regularly, eat healthy, and stay fit. Not only will your partner like looking at you, but you'll feel better about yourself.
4. Make sure communication goes both ways. Many relationships fail because of misunderstandings. Effective communication skills are necessary if your relationship is going to survive. If there is a hint or vibe that your partner is disconnected or you are unhappy about something, do not ignore those signals or feelings. Approach your mate and suggest an open discussion. You may be frustrated, angry, or hurt and so may he or she, but always stay calm and reasonable. Your goal should be to resolve differences, and the only viable way of doing so is through open and direct communication.
5. Criticize gently. Don't judge too harshly. If you criticize, do so in the same way you would want others to criticize you. Be kind and considerate.
6. Never stop courting one another. Gifts, compliments, and a loving embrace go a long way, especially when they are a surprise. Send unexpected greeting cards, slap a Post-It note where you know your mate will find it, keep those flowers coming in a "just because" way. Treat your partner with the same courtesies you did when you were dating. A terrific mindset is to pretend you are trying to win your partner all over again.
7. Keep the flame burning. Keep your romance alive despite the chaos and craziness life can present from living in the midst of sheer reality. Resolve to offer up romantic suggestions for your partner's pleasure, even if only occasionally, like cooking her favorite meal when you know she's had an impossible day, or entice him into a bubble bath with you just for the fun of it. Little gestures like these from time to time can ensure that the flame you once had burns forever.
8. Spell out your terms of endearment. Call out the expectations for one another in the form of the "terms" of your relationship together. Put them in a contract, if you like. This contract will simply clarify and document those needs and wants that mean a lot to you. For example, though he typically runs late, your agreement might specify those times when he agrees not to be late; she may agree to keep her spending at a certain limit, though she typically has little restraint as she traipses through the mall. Discussing these boundaries, as well as your needs and wants, can prevent either of you from stepping over the line and causing irritation. It is often the disappointments (needs and wants, gone unexpressed) that bring down a relationship.
9. Renegotiate your contract. Your relationship will evolve, and your needs and wants will change right along with it. Once a year, it's a good idea to review, update, or revise your contract with each other -- whether it is verbal or written. Be mindful, however, not to allow such a "contract" to ruin your relationship.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Desemprego na zona do euro em julho atinge maior nível em dez anos

da Folha Online

A taxa de desemprego nos 16 países que compõem a zona do euro ficou em 9,5%, ante 9,4% em junho. Trata-se do maior patamar desde maio de 1999. O número de desempregados aumentou em 167 mil em julho, para 15,09 milhões. Os dados foram divulgados nesta terça-feira pela Eurostat, a agência europeia de estatísticas.

Na UE (União Europeia) como um todo, o desemprego subiu para 9% em julho, contra 8,9% em junho. Trata-se da maior taxa desde maio de 2005. O total de desempregados teve alta de 225 mil, para 21,794 milhões.


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