O fim de semana cultural começou com "My Fair Lady", protagonizada por Amanda Costa e Daniel Boaventura. Versão brasileira, em português - muito bem traduzido, aliás, porque busquei o texto original e conferi ! - e muito bem montada e dirigida !
Desde o cenário, figurino até os detalhes do espetáculo, foram todos muito competentes e estão de parabéns (opinião geral percebida, também) !
E isso que eu pessoalmente, nunca fui apaixonada por musicais, por achar um tanto entediante. Este realmente é de tirar o chapéu, todas as plumas e paetês... risos !
Vale à pena conferir !
E em homenagem ao ótimo Francarlos na pele do Sr. Doolittle, transcrevo seu impecável "monólogo"! Foi amor à primeira vista, risos !
Doolittle, sir.
-Professor Higgins?
Good morning, Governor.
I come about a very serious matter,Governor.
Brought up in Houndslow. Mother Welsh, I should think. What is it you want, Doolittle?
I want my daughter, that's what I want.
See? Of course you do. You're her father, aren't you? I'm glad to see you have a sparkof family feeling left. She's in there. Yes, take her away at once.
Take her away. Do you think I am goingto keep your daughter for you?
Now, is this reasonable, Governor? Is it fairity to take advantageof a man like that? The girl belongs to me. You got 'er. Where do I come in?
How dare you come hereand attempt to blackmail me! You sent her here on purpose!
Don't take a man up like that, Governor.
The police shall take you up.This is a plan... ...a plot to extort money by threats. I shall telephone the police.
Have I asked you for a brass farthin'? I leave it to this gentleman 'ere.Have I said a word about money?
Well, what else did you come for? What would a bloke come for?
Be 'uman, Governor.
Alfred, you sent her here on purpose.
So help me, Governor, I never did.
How did you know she was here?
I'd tell you, Governor,if you'd let me get a word in. I'm willing to tell ya.I'm wanting to tell ya. I'm waiting to tell ya!
You know, Pickering, this chap's got a certain natural gift of rhetoric. Observe the rhythmof his native woodnotes wild. '"l'm willing to tell you. I'm wantingto tell you. I'm waiting to tell you.'" That's the Welsh strain in 'im. How did you know Eliza was hereif you didn't send 'er?
Well, she sent back for her luggageand I got to 'ear about it. She said she didn't want no clothes. What was I to think from that, Governor? I ask you, as a parent, what was I to think?
So you came here to rescue herfrom worse than death, eh?
-Yes, sir, Governor. That's right.
-Yes. Mrs. Pearce! Eliza's father has come to take her away. Give her to him, will you?
Now wait a minute, Governor. Wait a minute. You and me is men o' the world, ain't we?
Men of the world, are we? Perhaps you'd better go, Mrs. Pearce.
I think so indeed, sir! Here, Governor. I've took a sort of a fancy to you and... ...if you want the girl, I ain't so seton 'avin' her home again... ...but what I might be open tois an arrangement. All I ask is my rights as a father. You're the last man alive to expect me to let her go for nothing. I can see you're a straight sort, Governor. So... ...what's a five pound note to you? An' what's Eliza to me?
I think you should know, Doolittle... ...that Mr. Higgins' intentionsare entirely honorable.
Of course they are, Governor. If I thought they wasn't, I'd ask .
You mean, you'd sell your daughterfor pounds? Have you no morals, man?
No, I can't afford 'em, Governor. Neither could you if you was as poor as me. Not that I mean any 'arm, but... ...if Eliza is gonna have a bit out o' this,why not me, too? Why not? Look at it my way. What am l? I ask ya, what am l? I'm oneo' the undeserving poor, that's what I am. Think what that means to a man. It means he's up againstmiddle-class morality for all the time. If there's anything goin' an' I askfor a bit of it, it's always the same story: '"You're undeservin', so you can't have it.'" But my needs is as great as the mostdeservin' widows that ever got money... ...out of six different charities in one weekfor the death o' the same 'usband. I don't need less than a deservin' man,I need more. I don't eat less 'earty than he doesand I drink... ...a lot more. I'm playin' straight with you. I ain't pretendin' to be deservin'.No, I'm undeservin'... ...and I mean to go on bein' undeservin'.I like it an' that's the truth. But will you take advantageof a man's nature... ...do him out of the price ofhis own daughter, what he's brought up... ...fed and clothedby the sweat of his brow... ...till she's growed big enoughto be interestin' to you two gentlemen? Is five pounds unreasonable,I put it to you? And I leave it to you.
You know, Pickering, if we took this man in hand for three months... ...he could choose between a seat inthe Cabinet and a popular pulpit in Wales.
-We'd better give 'im a fiver.
-He'll make bad use of it, I'm afraid.
Not me, Governor, so 'elp me I won't. Just one good spreefor meself an' the missus... ...givin' pleasure to ourselvesand employment to others. An' satisfaction to you to knowit ain't been throwed away. You couldn't spend it better.
This is irresistible. Let's give 'im ten.
The missus wouldn't have the 'eartto spend ten. Ten pounds is a lot o' money. Makes a man feel prudent-like,and then goodbye to 'appiness. No, you just give me what I ask, Governor.Not a penny less, not a penny more.
I rather draw the line at encouragingthis sort of immorality. Why don't you marry that missus of yours? After all, marriage isn't so frightening.You married Eliza's mother.
Who told you that, Governor?
Well, nobody told me.I concluded, naturally.... If we listen to this man for another minutewe'll have no convictions left.
-Five pounds, I think you said.-Thank you, Governor.
Are you sure you won't have ten?
No. No, perhaps another time. I beg your pardon, miss. I won't say those ruddy vowelsone more time. Blimey, it's Eliza. I never thought she'd clean upso good-looking. She does me credit, don't she?
What are you doin' here?
Now, you hold your tongue and don'tyou give these gentlemen none o' your lip. If you have any trouble with 'er,give 'er a few licks o' the strap. That's the way to improve 'er mind. Well, good morning, gentlemen.Cheerio, Eliza.
There's a man for you.A philosophical genius of the first water. Write to Mr. Ezra Wallingfordand tell him... ...if he wants a lecturer, to get in touchwith Mr. Doolittle... ...a common dustman, one ofthe most original moralists in England.
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