"De perto, ninguém é normal. / From up close nobody is normal." (Caetano Veloso)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Hoje o clima está pesado.
Hoje está extra cansativo.
Estou "baumreada"
Alguém aí sentiu o mesmo ?
Baumreada ?!
É. (Acabei de inventar... [cara de pau!!] ) É o efeito causado pela Baixa Umidade Relativa do Ar.
Estação inverno. Cidade São Paulo. Clima ultra-poluido. E as chuvas sumidas...
Eis o resultado.
Ar pesado mesmo. Mal estar.
To baumreada, po !
To sentindo no meu amago... rs !
Ta f... :p
Hoje está extra cansativo.
Estou "baumreada"
Alguém aí sentiu o mesmo ?
Baumreada ?!
É. (Acabei de inventar... [cara de pau!!] ) É o efeito causado pela Baixa Umidade Relativa do Ar.
Estação inverno. Cidade São Paulo. Clima ultra-poluido. E as chuvas sumidas...
Eis o resultado.
Ar pesado mesmo. Mal estar.
To baumreada, po !
To sentindo no meu amago... rs !
Ta f... :p
Saturday, August 11, 2007
´Sex and the City´ On the Big Screen

"Sex and the City" vai para o cinema, diz "Variety"
da Folha Online
da Folha Online
Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis e Cynthia Nixon vão conversar sobre sexo, relacionamentos e homens no cinema. O estúdio New Line Cinema e o canal HBO chegaram a um acordo para levar para o cinema a série "Sex and the City", de acordo com a revista "Variety" desta quinta-feira (5).
As atrizes de "Sex and The City" vão viver as personagens da série em longa-metragem
Sarah, que vivia a colunista Carrie Bradshaw, vai ser a produtora do filme baseado na série que fez sucesso entre 1998 e 2004.
As negociações para a adaptação para o cinema demoraram para sair porque Kim Cattrall se negava a receber um salário abaixo do de Jessica, dizem rumores.
Algumas questões nascem com o anúncio da produção cinematográfica, como se Carrie e Mr. Big (Chris Noth) estariam ainda juntos e se Charlotte (Kristin Davis) teria realmente adotado um bebê na China.
Os fãs da série também devem estar com a pulga atrás da orelha para saber se Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) está gostando de ser mãe e como anda a vida de Samantha (Kim Catrall).
Os produtores do filme ainda não anunciaram se tais dúvidas vão ser respondidas no longa, mas o suspense fica desde já.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Career: Side B
How Second Careers Start
Pursue Other Interests While Getting Ahead
[Saira Rao]
So you've got it all -- great job, great office, great perks. You're thrilled, right? Not exactly.
Finding the Time
While it's not easy to find extra time, it is possible. Marci Alboher, author of "One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success," knows a thing or two about juggling multiple careers. Before becoming an author, journalist, and speaking/writer coach, Alboher was a lawyer. Her advice:
Cultivate "double duty" activities. "For example, if you are interested in photography but have no time to practice because you're always at work, see if there is a way to do some photography on the job by offering to be the official photographer at a work event."
Creative vacations. "When you finally get a vacation, rather than kick back at the beach, consider taking an intensive class or working with a career coach."
Be a slacker. "Many of us give 115% at work. What's the worst thing if you just gave 100% for a while to make room for more things in your life?"
No More Excuses
You can always find an excuse for not taking action.
Remove "if only" from your vocabulary. For example, stop thinking "if only I didn't have that deadline, I could really focus on my painting" OR "if only my client wasn't so demanding, I could start thinking about that novel I've wanted to write."
Skip the blame game. It is not your boss' job to make time for you to tend to your hydrangeas or get to that yoga class. Take responsibility -- you have more control than you think.
Set and stick to personal deadlines.
You Can Unplug
It's true -- Blackberries and other personal digital assistants (PDAs) can feel like human GPS tracking systems. But perhaps that's more self-imposed rather than work-imposed. If you've become that person who can't stop staring at their handheld device, chances are you're doing it to yourself.
Turn your device off on the weekends, unless absolutely necessary.
Once you leave the office, check your device only once before going to bed.
Whatever you do -- don't sleep with your Blackberry under your pillow.
Remind yourself often that working during your personal time robs you of time to engage in other interests, and ultimately enhance your fulfillment.
Pursue Other Interests While Getting Ahead
[Saira Rao]
So you've got it all -- great job, great office, great perks. You're thrilled, right? Not exactly.
Your flabby stomach, weak social life, and unwritten screenplay could be nagging signs of dissatisfaction.
Welcome to 2007, where you're more likely to spot a live dinosaur than a 9-to-5 job. Today, work and its myriad demands can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed, with nary a moment to focus on you -- the you who used to have hobbies, friends, and -- gasp! -- a life.
But it doesn't have to be this way. If you are someone who has always dreamed of running a marathon, writing a novel, or sharpening your culinary skills, there are ways to pursue such interests -- or even a second career -- while still getting ahead at the office.
Welcome to 2007, where you're more likely to spot a live dinosaur than a 9-to-5 job. Today, work and its myriad demands can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed, with nary a moment to focus on you -- the you who used to have hobbies, friends, and -- gasp! -- a life.
But it doesn't have to be this way. If you are someone who has always dreamed of running a marathon, writing a novel, or sharpening your culinary skills, there are ways to pursue such interests -- or even a second career -- while still getting ahead at the office.
Finding the Time
While it's not easy to find extra time, it is possible. Marci Alboher, author of "One Person/Multiple Careers: A New Model for Work/Life Success," knows a thing or two about juggling multiple careers. Before becoming an author, journalist, and speaking/writer coach, Alboher was a lawyer. Her advice:
Cultivate "double duty" activities. "For example, if you are interested in photography but have no time to practice because you're always at work, see if there is a way to do some photography on the job by offering to be the official photographer at a work event."
Creative vacations. "When you finally get a vacation, rather than kick back at the beach, consider taking an intensive class or working with a career coach."
Be a slacker. "Many of us give 115% at work. What's the worst thing if you just gave 100% for a while to make room for more things in your life?"
No More Excuses
You can always find an excuse for not taking action.
Remove "if only" from your vocabulary. For example, stop thinking "if only I didn't have that deadline, I could really focus on my painting" OR "if only my client wasn't so demanding, I could start thinking about that novel I've wanted to write."
Skip the blame game. It is not your boss' job to make time for you to tend to your hydrangeas or get to that yoga class. Take responsibility -- you have more control than you think.
Set and stick to personal deadlines.
You Can Unplug
It's true -- Blackberries and other personal digital assistants (PDAs) can feel like human GPS tracking systems. But perhaps that's more self-imposed rather than work-imposed. If you've become that person who can't stop staring at their handheld device, chances are you're doing it to yourself.
Turn your device off on the weekends, unless absolutely necessary.
Once you leave the office, check your device only once before going to bed.
Whatever you do -- don't sleep with your Blackberry under your pillow.
Remind yourself often that working during your personal time robs you of time to engage in other interests, and ultimately enhance your fulfillment.
----- Wow !!! this hits home ! I need to make my personal projects come true and bring art back to my life ! and this means: soon ! ... or I´ll dry inside for good :/
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Nas Quedas
05/08/2007 - 07h18
Mortos do vôo da Gol foram pilhados
Brasília - Pertences das vítimas da tragédia do vôo 1907 da Gol em 29 de setembro do ano passado foram furtados. Documentos importantes de alguns dos 154 mortos estão sendo usados hoje por falsários - um deles utilizou esses documentos no contrato de um empréstimo, no mês passado, em uma financeira de Brasília, para comprar um carro por R$ 20,4 mil.Tão grave e impressionante quanto o uso criminoso dos documentos pessoais é o caso do celular de uma das vítimas que apareceu em um subúrbio do Rio dez dias após o acidente, quando só as Forças Armadas trabalhavam no local da queda do Boeing.
Brasília - Pertences das vítimas da tragédia do vôo 1907 da Gol em 29 de setembro do ano passado foram furtados. Documentos importantes de alguns dos 154 mortos estão sendo usados hoje por falsários - um deles utilizou esses documentos no contrato de um empréstimo, no mês passado, em uma financeira de Brasília, para comprar um carro por R$ 20,4 mil.Tão grave e impressionante quanto o uso criminoso dos documentos pessoais é o caso do celular de uma das vítimas que apareceu em um subúrbio do Rio dez dias após o acidente, quando só as Forças Armadas trabalhavam no local da queda do Boeing.
Sem que o corpo da mulher tivesse sido localizado e resgatado, o viúvo recebeu uma ligação feita a partir do celular da esposa. Do outro lado, uma voz masculina chamou-o pelo apelido de 'Pretinho', uma maneira carinhosa pela qual era tratado pela mulher morta. As informações são do jornal "O Estado de S. Paulo".
[por Christiane Samarco]
--- Olha que a minha imaginação é pra lá de fértil... mas certas coisas simples-mente não encaixam !!!
Friday, August 3, 2007
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